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2019-06-06 15:52  




个人概况:侯棚文,天津大学管理学博士,加拿大西安大略大学Ivey商学院联合培养博士,天津财经大学管理科学与工程学院副教授、硕士生导师。天津市工业工程学会理事、CSIAM区块链专业委员会委员。主要研究方向为供应链竞合博弈、区块链与供应链融合研究等。主持在研国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、教育部人文社会科学青年基金各一项,主持完成天津市科技发展战略研究计划项目一项。在物流供应链领域国际公认的顶级期刊Production and Operations Management (UTD 24, FT 50)上发表论文两篇,另有20余篇文章发表在EJOR(ABS 4星),IEEE-TEM(ABS 3星),TRE(ABS 3星),IJPR(ABS 3星)等高水平期刊上。目前担任美国决策科学学会旗舰期刊Decision Sciences编委以及POM、EJOR、IEEE-TEM、TRE、IJPR等10余个国内外核心期刊匿名审稿人。2021年获评天津市社会科学界学术年会优秀论文。2022年获得ABS 3星期刊Journal of the Operational Research Society杰出审稿人奖。


  1. 本科生课程:计量经济学、区块链技术、经济博弈论

  2. 研究生课程:学位论文指导及写作、运筹与控制

  3. 指导五项研究生/本科生科研训练(SRT)项目,其中一项结项为优秀、一项国家级立项

  4. 指导本科生论文获评2021年《天津市社会科学界学术年会优秀论文》



  1. Pun Hubert, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Combating copycatting from emerging market suppliers in global supply chains. Production and Operations Management. 2022, 31 (8): 3304-3319. (UTD24; FT50; ABS 4)

  2. Pun Hubert, Swaminathan Jayashankar M*, Hou Pengwen. Blockchain Adoption for Combating Deceptive Counterfeits. Production and Operations Management, 2021, 30(4): 864-882. (UTD24; FT50; ABS 4; 高被引论文)

  3. Ghamat Salar, Pun Hubert, Critchley Greg, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Using Intellectual Property Agreements in the Presence of Supplier and Third-party Copycatting, European Journal of Operational Research. 2021, 291(2): 680-692. (ABS 4)

  4. Hou Pengwen, Liu Zihan, Xie Lei*, Zhang Shuhua. To transfer or not? Analysis of the original equipment manufacturer’s strategic outsourcing strategy in the presence of the supplier’s innovation effort. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2023. Doi: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3277016. (ABS 3)

  5. Hou Pengwen, Zhang Chi, Li Yating*. The Interplay of Manufacturer Encroachment and Blockchain Adoption to Combat Counterfeits in a Platform Supply Chain. International Journal of Production Research. 2023. Doi: 10.1080/00207543.2023.2192294. (ABS 3)

  6. Hou Pengwen, Zhen Ziyan*, Li Bo. Implications of the Product Quality Differentiation on the Platform's Distribution Contracts. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2021, Doi: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3084207. (ABS 3)

  7. Hou Pengwen, Pun Hubert*, Li Bo. To Collaborate or Not: Product Upgrading Strategy in a Competitive Duopoly Market. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 2021, 52(5): 3210-3223. (ABS 3)

  8. Hou Pengwen, Zhen Ziyan, Pun Hubert*. Combating copycatting in the luxury market with fighter brands. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2020, 140: 102009. (ABS 3)

  9. Hou Pengwen, Wang Jun*, Zhang Qian, Zhang Shuhua. Implications of risk aversion behavior on the green product promotion strategy under manufacturer encroachment. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023, 447, 127911. (JCRQ1TOP期刊)

  10. Xie Lei, Hou Pengwen* (通讯作者), Han Hongshuai. Implications of Government Subsidy on the Vaccine Product R&D When the Buyer is Risk Averse. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 146: 102220. (ABS 3)

  11. Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Combating Deceptive Counterfeits with Blockchain Technology Under Asymmetric Information. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2022, Doi: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3223899. (ABS 3)

  12. Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Implications of Credit Default and Yield Uncertainty on Supply Chain's Equilibrium Financial Strategy. Annals of Operations Research. 2022, 315 (1): 507-533. (ABS 3)

  13. Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者). Fixed Fee or Proportional Fee? Contracts in Platform Selling under Asymmetric Information. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2022, 26(2): 245-275. (ABS 3)

  14. Li Bo*, Hou Pengwen, Chen Ping, Li Qinghua. Pricing Strategy and Coordination in a Dual Channel Supply Chain with a Risk-averse Retailer. International Journal of Production Economics. 2016, 178: 154-168. (ABS 3)

  15. Li Xiuxian*, Hou Pengwen, Zhang Shuhua. The optimal advertising strategy with differentiated targeted effect consumers. Annals of Operations Research. 2022, 1-42. (ABS 3)

  16. Peng Shuxia, Li Bo*, Hou Pengwen. Optimal Upgrading Strategy for the Quality, Release Time, and Pricing for Software Vendor. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2021, Doi: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3089335. (ABS 3)

  17. Li Qinghua, Li Bo*, Chen Ping, Hou Pengwen. Dual-channel Supply Chain Decisions under Asymmetric Information with a Risk-averse Retailer. Annals of Operations Research. 2017, 257(1-2): 423-447. (ABS 3)

  18. Chen Ping, Li Bo*, Jiang Yushan, Hou Pengwen. The Impact of Manufacturer’s Direct Sales and Cost Information Asymmetry in a Dual-channel Supply Chain with a Risk-averse Retailer. International Journal of Electronic Commerce. 2017, 21(7): 43-66. (ABS 3)

  19. Wang Jun, Zhang Qian, Hou Pengwen*(通讯作者), Li Qinghua. Effects of platform’s blockchain strategy on brand manufacturer’s distribution strategy in the presence of counterfeits. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023, 109028. (ABS 2)

  20. Chang Shuhua, Ma Haiteng*, Hou Pengwen. Direct or Indirect? Implications of the retailer’s investment choices on the manufacturer’s encroachment strategy. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2023, 179: 109201. (ABS 2)

  21. Wang Rufeng, Li Bo*, Li Zhenhong, Hou Pengwen, Song Dongping. Selection Policy for a Manufacturer’s Online Channel: Do it Oneself or Cooperate with Retailers. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 2018, 29(4): 393-414. (ABS 2)

  22. Li Bo*, Hou Pengwen, Li Qinghua. Cooperative Advertising in a Dual-channel Supply Chain with a Fairness Concern of the Manufacturer. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics.2017, 28(2): 259-277. (ABS 2)

  23. 侯棚文, 刘子晗, 张书华. 平台经济下品牌商基于区块链技术的仿冒防治及分销策略研究. 2021. 天津市社会科学界学术年会优秀论文.

  24. 王君, 张倩, 侯棚文*(通讯作者). 质量信息不对称下零售商基于区块链技术的信息揭示策略. 管理工程学报. 2023.

  25. 李波,甄紫嫣,侯棚文*(通讯作者). 网络效应影响下品牌商与模仿者的最优定价策略[J]. 运筹与管理. 2022, 31(04): 149-155.

  26. 李波*, 安思敏, 侯棚文. 风险规避零售商在资金约束供应链中的融资渠道选择策略[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2018, 23(06): 87-94+115.

  27. 李波*, 侯棚文, 李庆华. 考虑供应链成员公平关切的双渠道供应链合作广告策略[J]. 系统管理学报. 2017, 26(03):562-568.


  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 72102163,电子商务环境下基于区块链技术的欺诈性仿冒品防治策略研究,2022/01-2024/12,30万元,在研,主持

  2. 教育部,人文社会科学青年基金项目,20YJC630037,考虑消费者策略性行为的企业间产品创新竞合策略研究,2020-01至2022-12,8万元,在研,主持

  3. 天津市科学技术委员会,科技发展战略研究计划项目,19ZLZXZF00290,创新驱动下天津市制造业智能升级策略研究,2019-10至2020-9,2万元,已结题,主持

  4. 天津财经大学教改项目,2021-12至2022-07,已结题,主持


  1. 国家自然科学基金通信评审专家

  2. 天津市工业工程学会理事

  3. CSIAM区块链专业委员会委员

  4. ABS 3星期刊《Decision Sciences Journal》Editorial Review Board成员

  5. 荣获2022年度ABS 3星期刊Journal of the Operational Research Society杰出审稿人奖

  6. 担任Production and Operations Management, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Research等10余个国内外核心期刊审稿人。

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